Express Senator Partner Network (ESPN)

                DHS is on a MISSION. 
                     KEEP our Parents &
Community Partners


Express       We recognize our parents are busy, we promise to help keep you connected in a quick and easy way that will help your children succeed.  

Senator        We BLEED Senator Blue and want you too as well! Check in with us around town and at different DHS events and earn some FREE Senator gear and other incentives for being connected!

 Partner        We define partners as our parents and community partnerships who help to support DHS, both students and staff. We believe that with our parents, staff and community support, our students will gain priceless resources that will lead them to a successful future.
N  Network     
When we think network-we think about it in many ways. We want to help connect parents to one another so that there are multiple levels of support as you walk through this high school journey with your child. We also want to improve our connections between parents and our DHS staff, we want to KNOW every child in our school, not just by name, but in a professional yet personal way. Finally, we also want to grow our own DHS business & community network of partnerships to continue to provide the best for our students. This is a BIG part of our mission, it is the glue that holds it together!

Community Events

Join us around town. You're invited! 
group picture

Event Date Place Time
 Welcome Home (Grades 9 & 10) Dover High School 5:30pm, 10th Grade
6:30pm, 9th Grade
 September 27th, 2018 Grottos Pizza 5:30pm
Dinner Provided!


 Follow us @CSDDoverHigh twitter logo 
Twitter  face
Text the number 81010 with the message:
@dhstexts, click send and you will be added
to our DHS Families "Remind" group text,
messaging system
 remind logo
See our Community Events (above) to find us around town!  


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